Sunday, September 30, 2018

How to Be Happier

With songs like "Happy Now" and "Happier" on the radio (Check both of them out if you haven't already), it seems like happiness is a relevant topic. For me, I've struggled to get those endorphins going a lot more than usual in the past few months. Maybe this is post-Italy travel blues or losing my purpose after graduation or just a stage in my life, but it seems that most days, I have to drag myself through the day and even at moments I am happy, I lose it quickly.

So...I'm out searching for happiness-boosting activities. And I thought I'd share with you what I've found so far.

1. Sleep. Holy cow does this affect every part of your life. I am tired, therefore I am sad. That's just simple stuff. I am working very hard with temperature adjustments and relaxation techniques and technology-free bed zones in order to help improve my sleeep.

2. Gratitude. I have talked about this before on my blog, but being very disciplined about listing what you are thankful for each day is proven to boost happiness. Today, I am thankful for friends, family, and good food on a Sunday evening.

3. Kindness. I know for a fact that my happiest moments are when I do something for someone else, even if it's a stranger, so I am hoping to really plan out acts of kindness to perform regularly.

4. Telling My Inner Voices They Are Wrong. I am, without a doubt, my own worst enemy. I've been bullied in my life, but the things I think about myself are awful. When I think I'm unattractive or unlikable or stupid or annoying, I have to stand up to myself and fight back. I read about someone who would say regularly out loud, "I am important" and she said it made her feel much, much better every single day.

5. Being Outside. Man, is this hard when you hate cold as much as I do and I know part of my funk this weekend had to do with the dreary weather, but if I can get outside, I need to. This is a proven endorphin booster.

6. Laughter. It IS the best medicine. Making jokes with my students or watching a comedian could be the best things to combat sadness.

So, if this fall has got you feeling down, maybe try some of these with me. Make tomorrow happier! 😀

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