Wednesday, September 12, 2018

10 Best Moments of My School Year So Far

I just needed a reminder of how amazing the job I get to do is today...

1. Getting a hug from a student during open house. He was so excited to be in my class again.

2. This conversation:

Student: Do I talk too much?
Me: You talk when you should be listening, but it's not bad to talk. Talking will help you in life. And I like you a lot even though you interrupt me.
Student: You like me?
Me: Of course.
Student: A teacher has never told me that before.

Since that conversation, that student has moved for apathy to dedicated work for me.

3. Watching a group of students dunk their noses in Vasoline and then in cotton balls in an attempt to move cotton balls across the room. This is hilarious. Highly recommended class builder.

4. Reciting every one of my 65 students' names as they walked through my door on the 3rd day of school.

5. Observing one of my most difficult students from last year immerse himself in a book for 10 minutes without even glancing up once.

6. A student offering to share his jacket when I was shivering one day.

7. A exceptionally self-conscious student's giant smile after I told her how well she did on a test.

8. Walking a student through the halls and talking her ear off even though she definitely wanted to me left alone. And then watching as my stupid chatter about nonsense eventually helped her fall from agitated to calm.

9. Hearing students shout out things they saw and felt while they were reading a story.

10. Sitting in a circle in a the library with my smallest class and sharing stories as we all laughed together.

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