Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Being the Guide in My Life

When I was in college, I had a job as a tour guide. I would listen to families' stories and help them find their way around campus. I would try to make them comfortable and show them the best places to eat.

Some tours turned out amazing. I saw students fall in love with the university as I had. Parents laughed at my jokes. We were able to observe all the best parts of campus. The weather was nice.

Not all tours were like this. Sometimes, members of the tour would leave, preferring to wander on their own. Other times, no one said a word or acted the least bit excited about what I was showing them. These tours would really bum me out.

What I didn't realize at the time was I had been doing this job my whole life and it's a job that has lasted long after my last official campus tour. I am a person that naturally wants to help and guide people in any way I can. I want to be there with people as to witness their journeys. I want to make people happy.

But sometimes, just like with the campus tours, expectations don't meet reality.  Life can bring rain (or snow) and I can't fix it no matter how hard I love those in my life. At times, the people in my life wander away from me, not because I did something wrong, but they found a different path that was better for their needs. Not every member of my "group" is exactly what I expect or hope for them to be.

I think the best thing I can do to combat these disappointments or frustrations in the tours of life is to listen to some advice my boss on campus gave us once. She said, "Just be totally who you are on every tour. You may not like them all the time and they may not appreciate you, but if you show up just as you are and do what you know is your best, you can end every day satisfied."

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