Friday, September 7, 2012

Hiding Herbie Husker

Decided to add a light story this week since I didn't have much inspiration. So here goes... On my birthday this year, my brother and sister got me a Herbie Husker pillow pet. Which is awesome. Husker and Pillow Pets together, what could be better? But I've found he can be a tiny bit creepy. Just look below.

But my friend Hillary seems to have found a fascination with this little guy. I've even caught her pinching his plush cheeks. This was fine until this semester when she decided to randomly hide our little pillow friend all over Sarah's and my apartment...

Like on our cabinets...

 So if I happen to die of a heart attack in the near future, blame Hillary. Also, if Herbie happens to catch fire, blame Sarah.

Or even in our shower :/ 

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