Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Grandpa Jack

My little inspiration of the week this week comes from my Grandpa Jack. He is currently in rehabilitation after heart surgery at the Nebraska Heart Institute. I've been checking in on him several times this past week.

The other day we were sitting there watching 60 Minutes when he suddenly said "Rox?" I turned to him, thinking maybe he needed help with something or had a question, since his short-term memory isn't so good.

Instead he asked, "If you ever need anything extra up here at college, you'll let me know right?"

I smiled and said, "Yes of course."

He patted my hand and said, "Watch out for the other yay-hoos (he meant the other grandkids) too. You let me know if anyone needs anything." He then went back to watching the television.

And it struck me how lucky I am to have someone like that as a grandfather. After serious surgery and a week in rehabilitation which he hates, he's still looking out for the rest of his family before himself. He might grumble about wanting to go home, but he isn't feeling sorry for himself. He continues to smile and joke and ask about our lives.

I hope that even a little bit of Grandpa's compassion can rub off on me. I tend to be selfish and bossy but I really do love my family and friends despite my dominating personality. So that's what I'm taking away from this week. Even the smallest questions or comments can show you care. Don't let your own problems stand in the way of remembering the ones you love.

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