Friday, September 14, 2012

Celebrating Life

While last week, I felt like I had nothing to write about, this week I have an overabundance. I have watched four movies and read two books just this week and, being as I am very opinionated, I could discuss any one of them. But I think I'll touch on a few things I mused about after watching Sophie's Choice on Monday night for my honors seminar.

First of all, during the movie a writer pleads to Sophie, "Tell me the truth. I want to understand." And Sophie replies, "The truth? It does not make it easier to understand." 

I immediately scribbled that down on my notebook because I knew as soon as it came out of her mouth that it was true. I hear about things going on in the world all the time that don't make sense. Sometimes reality is harder to grasp than all the fiction I read and watch in movies. I think the real people of the world make the greatest stories and, like the writer in the movie, I hope maybe I can capture that human spirit.

Next was something my honors professor said before we even watched the movie. He said, "This is a very sad movie, but I think it is also a movie celebrating life. That sounds weird but when terrible things happen, we have to find ways to appreciate life again. Look for that." And there were many scenes in the movie where I was able to feel that joy of living in between moments of sorrow. In the last line in the film, the writer says, " I let go the rage and sorrow for Sophie and Nathan... and for the many others who were but a few of the butchered and betrayed and martyred children of the Earth. When I could finally see again, I saw the first rays of daylight reflected in the murky river. This was not judgment day. Only morning; morning, excellent and fair."

So I left the seminar thinking about life and I want to end this post by sharing some times this week when I really felt like I was "living." The five most "alive" moments of the week.

1. Holding my 2 year old cousin's tiny flower petal of a hand and running through the grass as fast as her little legs would go. We were track stars.

2. Playing a game at my aunt's 50th birthday party and laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. And knowing my family was joining me.

3. Curling up on the couch and watching yet another scary movie with friends.

4. Running back to my apartment through the rain after class without a jacket.

5. Swimming at the Rec. Center until my muscles ached.

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