Sunday, February 11, 2018

Empty of Words

It has been almost a month since I posted in this blog and that is very unlike me. I really wanted to write something today, but I just have nothing to give. I think my relationship of stories is the most important piece of me. Stories are what make me who I am. They make life meaningful. They flow in and out as easily as air and are just as precious to me.

Sometimes I have stories inside of me. I am filled with words and want to share. They bubble out of me. I can't think of anything else until I type them or tell them to someone.

And then there are times when I feel fairly empty of words. I try my best but there is nothing there. So I go out and consume stories like I am starving. Yesterday, I laid in bed and watched two movies and read two books. I had many other things to do that may have seemed more important, but I really needed those stories. I can't tell you how much better I felt immersed in those words and feelings and experiences.

So....soon I hope to have those words again to share. I am not abandoning my blog. I'm just waiting for the right story.

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