Saturday, April 8, 2017

25 Things You Might Not Know About Me

I turned 25 this week, so I figured that would be a good number for my blog today. Here are 25 facts about me!

1. Even though I tell everyone my favorite song is "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls (it is amazing), if I'm honest it's probably "Yeah" by Usher.

2. Out of siblings, I was the  only one to wear glasses, get my tonsils out, or wear braces. So basically, I was expensive.

3. I really enjoy dressing up and doing my make-up, but most people assume I don't because I don't feel the need to wear make-up every day.

4. My knuckles pop in and out with a loud noise whenever I make a fist. I use this as a party trick for my classes whenever I need them to be quiet and focus on me.

5. When I was a kid, I collected fairy figurines. I have over 30 of them and still created a "fairy haven" in my room now. Even at 25 years old, I love a sense of magic.

6. I prefer Mac Computers, but Android phones.

7. I dislike shopping with other people. Don't get me wrong, I love shopping. But I like to do it at my own pace without suggestions from someone else.

8. I don't own a single pair of white socks. Or long socks. I wear colors and I wear them short.

9. I always let the people at the nail salon pick my pedicure design. Every time, I just say "Surprise Me." I've gotten everything from footballs to peace signs to heartbeats to polka dots.

10. I have seen every episode of both Survivor and Law and Order: SVU (that's over 800 hours of television).

11. Some people have a certain "side of the bed", but I definitely do not. In fact, I prefer to switch each night. I have even slept with my head at the foot of the bed before.

12. I have severe social anxiety. If I'm being introduced to someone new or having a conversation with someone that I don't know well, I guarantee my heart is racing and my mouth is dry and I am nauseous. Every instinct in me tells me to run away even though there is literally no danger presented by someone asking me about myself.

13. I probably write a list every single day. I love making lists (bet you couldn't tell from my blog). I make them for groceries and to-dos and grouping students and things I want to do better and ideas for class activities. Oftentimes, I make a list and then throw it away. Just the act of listing things helps me.

14. I've always wanted to be a YouTube vlogger, but I'm not good on camera.

15. I was such a compulsive liar as a kid that I am sometimes not sure what are real memories and what are lies or inventions that I led myself to believe were true.

16. I hate those radio shows like "Date 'Em or Dump 'Em" where they confront real people on the radio. I have to change the station immediately. They make me so uncomfortable.

17. I always eat the heads of broccoli and throw the stalks away. I also don't eat the peel on potatoes. I always eat sandwich crusts before the middle. I could make a list of at 25 other crazy picky-eating habits I have, but I won't bore you.

18. I was the caller at Siel Christmas Bingo for 12 years.

19. Instead of dreaming about my wedding like most girls I know, the idea of a wedding full of invitations and place settings and strangers (see social anxiety #12) sounds terrible to me. I prefer the idea of eloping in some exotic place.

20. I am a super fast eater. Every time I go out with friends, I am finished before they are even half-way done. Once, I walked out of the dining hall in college and realized I'd only been in there for 5 minutes total.

21. I'm probably going to die in a fire or tornado because I am notorious for ignoring alarms. Just this week, there the fire alarms went off at my school and I didn't have students at the time, so I just sat in my room grading and hoped it was a drill.

22. Even though I'm an avid reader, I have only read three books more than once and all of them were because I had to read them again for school (The Hobbit, The Outsiders, and The Giver).

23. My family dog, Ginger, was actually my 12th birthday present. She decided within the first week of living with us that she liked my dad best though. So basically, my dad stole my birthday present that year.

24. I'm not afraid to go to movies in theaters alone. I actually really enjoy the serenity of it.

25. I have been on at least 30 different roller coasters in my life . I cried the first time I went on the Mamba because I was so afraid of heights (and my parents will never let me live this down), but now I can't get enough of them.

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