Tuesday, January 3, 2017

New Year's Resolutions 2017

Although I know most New Year's resolutions fizzle out long before a year is over, goal setting is something I always find motivating and important in driving our lives. I have my students set goals every quarter and I have a goal for every lesson, every week, every semester. So, here are my big goals for myself this year. This is who I want to be in 2017.

1. Be more social. I want to do something with someone outside of school at least once a week, whether that's a drink after work, girls' night out, lunch to catch up with an old friend, a movie, a sporting event or a walk. Phone calls or texts don't count. I have to actual do something with someone.

2. Keep tracking my food. Last Christmas, I was the heaviest I had ever been and decided I needed to lose 50 pounds in 2016. I came up short at 35 pounds down, but I'm still proud of my effort throughout the year to always track my food and be conscious of what was going in my body. I tracked 342 days last year and am looking to track all 365 this year.

3. Complete 6 graduate classes with a 4.0. I have two classes done and eight to go. I plan to finish six in 2017 and I'd really love to hold onto that perfect GPA that I didn't get in high school or undergraduate.

4. Find ways to destress. I know what things help me relax the most (movies in a theater alone with no phone, spinergy class at the gym, paint-by-number, long showers), but I "don't have time" to do them. This is ridiculous. I must find time at least once a week. This is probably more important to my health than dieting at this point.

5. Make my bed a sleep-only zone. I have a really bad habit of working on my computer or watching TV or playing on my phone or reading on my Kindle while in bed and then I procrastinate the actual sleeping part. Quality sleep starts with putting down all devices and designating that spot to sleeping.

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