Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Interesting Questions

I found this list of questions and thought I'd answer them for fun since I didn't have any other prompts this week. Maybe you'll learn something new about me...I actually might have learned about myself. Feel free to answer some about yourself in the comments too!

*What was your favorite childhood toy?

This is tough. I don't remember being much into Barbies or dolls. I remember a shopping cart that I pushed around and safari animal figurines that I played with a lot with my cousins. I also remember spinning a globe a lot although I'm not sure that counts as a toy. The one that stand out to me was Rajah, a stuffed tiger from Aladdin. I remember sleeping with him most nights. I have no idea what happened to him.

*If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

Depends on if this is a physical characteristic or a personality trait. Physically, I change my skin to get rid of my chicken skin and stretch marks. Personality-wise, I'd want to be more comfortable meeting new people I guess.

*Which character from a book would you most like to be?

It's probably cliché but I have to go with Hermione Granger. She is so confident in who she is and strong and smart and has awesome friends. And she can do magic of course.

*Favorite kind of weather?

Definitely sunny and warm. I do like rain and thunderstorms a lot, but nothing beats a day when there is no clouds in the sky and you can feel the sun on your skin. One of my favorite feelings in the world in when you are in a cold building and you walk outside in the summer.

*If you could travel in time, when and where would you go?

This is hard! I have no idea. I think I'd go back to when something momentous was built. Like the pyramids or Stonehenge or Mayan temples or the Great Wall. Those things fascinate me and I want to know WHY? Why would they build them and how did they do it. It just sounds intriguing to me.

*Favorite and least favorite article of clothing?

Favorite is jackets. Which doesn't make sense since I love summer but I just love jackets. I have so many of them, it's ridiculous. My least favorite as of right now is leggings. They are not pants people. I can't tell you how many times I've seen girls underwear through their leggings in the past few years.

That's all for now. I'll probably come back to some of these as writing prompts later. Have a terrific Tuesday!

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