Tuesday, May 6, 2014

To Hillary...

This is a sister post to the one from last night. Another very special friend to me is graduating on Saturday as well. Although I have never lived with Hillary in a technical sense, she has slept on my couch more times than I can count, so she could be considered my other roommate. She is one of the most hard-working people I know and I'm so excited to be a part of her graduation and then see what's in store for her in the years to come. Hillary (hopefully) isn't leaving me and I'll see her just as much as usual next year so I won't say things I'll miss. Instead Hillary deserves some congrats on other life accomplishments ;)

-Congrats on making the best smoothies I have ever tasted in my whole life.

-Congrats on falling asleep faster than any other human being in history.

-Congrats on being amazing at treasure hunting.

-Congrats on always making everyone around you laugh.

-Congrats on sticking out every Husker game with me (and even wearing a mustache)

-Congrats on being the most organized of us.

-Congrats on letting us know every Yahoo news story of the day.

-Congrats on being a mentor for someone that needs it.

-Congrats on dragging my butt to the Rec a few times.

-Congrats on getting out of that parking ticket.

You're amazing. Thanks for being my friend. Can't wait to celebrate with you on Saturday.

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