Sunday, May 11, 2014

Lessons I Learned From My Mother

Along with graduates, there is also someone very important to honor this weekend: my mom. I know that it is no longer mother's day, but I always write better at night and so I'll just be a tad late. Sorry mom. ;) There are so many things I could say about my mom. She has been the greatest mother I could have asked for and is my best friend, but instead I wanted to write down a few things I have learned from my mom throughout the years. As I grow up and become an "adult", I recognize her lessons more and more.

1. Family is the most important thing. My mom was always big on family. She puts us before anything else in her life and expects the same from us. I was lucky enough to have her stay home with me for the first several years of my life. That's not the right thing for every mother, I understand that, but I do know she sacrificed a lot, including her sanity many days to be there for us and I hope I can be there for her too.

2. Stand up for what's right (or against what is not). She is very passionate about what she believes in and is not afraid to argue for what she wants. I am not very good at following this lesson. I'm what she calls a "pleaser" but I strive to be better at this because of her (and my dad). I can't complain about something if I didn't act in any way to change the situation.

3. The value of your life should be placed on experiences, not possessions. When we were younger, my parents set aside money to go on trips. They valued this more than nice clothes or going out to eat or even filling up savings accounts. Because of this, I will always have beautiful memories of my childhood. I will remember trips to Disney World where my mom made us wear matching shirts and feeding chipmunks and Colorado. I have absolutely no recollection of what toys or clothes I had because it didn't matter at all. Materials don't matter as much as people make them out to and my mom taught me that. Also, you never know what will happen before that "later" comes that you're saving for.

4. Education is the most important you can gain in life. My mom has been a huge supporter of our educations since I can remember. She read to all of us as children, took us to the library, practiced math problems with me over and over again (I needed as much help as I could get), and reiterated the importance of our grades and learning every chance she got. Because of this insistence on being an educated person in the world, I have always valued education and was never afraid to make the investment in it for college. I know that my success in school was largely due to my mom and I can't thank her enough for that.

5. Sometimes everyone needs a little help. She always wants to help those who aren't as fortunate. I have seen my mom talk to people that others have written off or look down upon, providing encouragement or sympathy to those who might otherwise be overlooked. She makes me consider every person's perspective. She also started our family buying Christmas gifts for those in need. By "everyone" I also mean animals as my mom has long been an advocate for strays. We have taken in four cats since I've been alive and each my mother cared for extremely well. Two were super unfriendly but loved my mom. One was covered in fleas so my mom bathed it and bought it medicine before finding him a new home. She is so full of compassion for those who need her and I love that.

I love you mom! Thanks for teaching me so much.

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