Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pixie Dust

So, several people now have talked to me about my blog (Thank you so much for reading by the way! :)) and a few have referred to this blog as the "pixie dust" blog. This always strikes me as funny because I had no idea how much importance the title of my blog would be when I created it. I wasn't aware it would show up every time I linked to facebook or that people would even notice it that much. But, it is not a nonsense title either. I did think a lot about it.

I wanted a title that I felt captured something about me. And something I always associate with myself is imagination. In fact, as many of you know, I have had a collection of fairy figurines since I was a kid. Fairies always fascinated me and I used to name all my figurines and imagine characters that looked like them lurking in my backyard. I was also always coming up with elaborate stories and making my brother and sister take on the characters. Last week, I was painting a room in my house and I saw some kid walk by the window. For the rest of the afternoon, as I painted, I came up with this random story about that kid's day including full dialouge of what he said to his mother when he got home, etc.

It seems I'm straying from the point... In short, I wanted a title to reflect that imagination and when I think of a world of imagination, Peter Pan always comes to mind. The title, as you probably know (or guessed) is from the quote by J. M. Barrie, "All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust." This does come from the book (I checked) not any of the various movies and I liked that since I firmly on the side of books if we are discussing books vs. movies.

Now, reflecting on the title, I realize just how important those three things are in the world. We all need faith in something. For many it's religion but it can also be for other things. For example I have complete faith that "it's never too late." I can change my mind or my career or destination because there is never just one answer. I also have faith in humanity. As Gandhi said, “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”

Second, we all have to trust someone. Life is a scary place without someone to lean on and so trust is important. Another favorite quote of mine: “The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them." Ernest Hemingway

And finally, pixie dust. Pixie dust is that magic that allows us to fly. The world would be so dull without it. So don't be afraid to bend the rules. To think outside of the box. You may just soar to new heights. After all, "those who don't believe in magic will never find it." Roald Dahl

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