Friday, April 26, 2013

Things I've Accomplished

I've decided to make this a 3 part series. Two posts ago, I talked about personal goals for the year and last time I talked about long term dreams, but as I approach the end of this semester, I decided why not talk about what I have accomplished so far? I'm only 21, and don't have a lot of "big" victories  (and actually lots of failures) but sometimes little victories add up to a lot. Here are some things:

1. Making the dean's list three times/getting in the honors program. I know that sometimes I stress way too much about my schoolwork, but it always feels good to be recognized for hard work.

2. Teaching kids how to swim across the pool or jump off the diving board. This was the best part about my job as a lifeguard. It wasn't just teaching them a valuable survival skill, but giving them confidence in themselves and that's a great thing.

3. Being bullied most of my life and coming out stronger and wiser. From elementary school to freshman year of college, it never really changed. Some people will always try to push you down in order to feel bigger. I know that this has made me not only a stronger person, but a more empathetic friend.

4. My senior yearbook. I know this sounds completely silly, but it is the thing I was most proud of in high school. I worked during lunches, after school, and during many study halls to put together that book. Although it's a trivial thing, it was the first time I really became a leader for a group of people and most of all, I had a lot of fun doing it.

5. Being an ear for those who need one. I know some of you won't believe this one, since I am prone to interrupting people in a conversation, but before my friend Moriah passed away, she used to call me and talk for hours. I remember car rides, dinners, and walks around the lake with her in which I never got a word in, but I think that sometimes that's what everyone needs and I really hope I was able to help her through hard times in her life just by answering the phone or taking time out of my day to meet her for dinner.

6. Overcoming socializing anxiety (to some extent). I have always hated making conversation with strangers. But in the past few years, I have forced myself out of my comfort zone a lot more. As a tour guide, I have built relationships with prospective students in very short periods of time. I have joined groups and activities where I didn't know anyone there and ended up making new friends. I actually met two of my best friends just by joining a game on my floor last year with strangers.

And to end, I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes by the great Ralph Waldo Emerson: "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."

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