Thursday, January 10, 2013

Some More Moments of "Life"

So, I've started a new semester of classes. It looks like it will be another challenging one, but I'm up for it. Two creative writing courses, so that should be interesting. I didn't have anything specific to write about this week so I thought I'd play off of my older post reflecting on moments that I was really "living" this week. So here they are. Hope everyone is having a wonderful 2013 so far. More to come in the following weeks.

1. The moment I woke up on Monday morning actually excited about my new classes. 
2. Turning the radio up really loud on my trip back to Lincoln.
3. Seeing my friend again and telling stories over a smoothie.
4. The "mystery gifts" that Stephanie and I keep finding that Sarah left us in the apartment.
5. Finding out I have a new baby cousin.

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