Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Movies of 2012

So, it's officially 2013. Happy New Year everyone! I know I broke my promise and didn't post for over a week. But it's the holidays. I'll post again this week to make up for it. The holidays are ending, which is very sad, but we are moving onto to another exciting time of year...award season. I know this sounds ridiculous but I love watching all the  award shows in January and February. So in honor of that, I am going to review what I thought were the movies highlights of the year. This is not to say that they will receive any awards. The academy and I are usually at odds about these things.

The Dark Knight Rises-I already talked about this in one of my first blog posts. The cinematography was beautiful and it was perfectly cast. (Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Anne Hathaway were incredible) In comparison with the other superhero movies of the year (The Amazing Spider-Man, The Avengers), it brought up real emotion instead of action sequences.

21 Jump Street-One of the most laugh-out-loud movies I've watched in quite some time. I just went to this one with friends when we had nothing else to do and loved it. I hope Jonah Hill continues to write scripts, because he created an amazing one on his first shot. Channing Tatum is hot this year, but I think this movie showed he has more than a hot body. He actually has great comedic timing.

Animated Movies- I love animated movies. I saw some great ones this year too. I think Madagascar 3 was the best of the series. I laughed not just because it was cute but because it was genuinely funny. Recently I saw Rise of the Guardians and that was fantastic too. A great take on the characters every child knows and had great animation. Sweet for Christmastime too.

Alan Arkin in Argo-This movie was an amazing story and I'm glad I saw it, but it wouldn't have been half as entertaining without Arkin. He contrasted the serious events with dry humor to make it great. He was perfect for the character.

The Hobbit- I just saw this a few days ago and was very very impressed. I loved that book because it was about a quiet reader who lives out his adventures. I think Peter Jackson did it justice even though I was occassionaly irritated because things were different than the book. I cannot think of a better Bilbo Baggins than Martin Freeman. Just his facial expressions were fantastic. The scenery was beautiful and exactly how I imagined. I can't understand how Jackson is able to create that every time. It was amazing overall.

I know there are many things missing. First of all, I did not see The Hunger Games or The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I have stated before my pet peeve about great books made into movies and haven't convinced myself to give them a chance yet. I do love Jennifer Lawrence and bet she did wonderfully though. Also, I still have not seen Les Misérables or Silver Linings Playbook or Hitchcock and cannot comment on that yet, but they will hopefully be seen before the Oscars so I can have solid opinions. I don't want to see Django or Zero Dark Thirty. I just hate gory movies or war movies and I expect them both to be just that.

Once again Happy New Year everyone!

1 comment:

  1. You missed out on Wreck-It Ralph if you didn't see it, that was a fantastic movie.

    Also, 21 Jump Street was a lot funnier than I expected, so I agree with you there!
