Friday, November 9, 2012

A Few Clarifications...

First of all, I want to thank everyone that continues to read these posts and give feedback. It is really awesome to have a reason to sit down and write every week. Some of the comments I've got for recent blogs, though, I felt needed to be clarified since there were some very good points brought up.

1. My mom responded to a post I wrote about how everyone's past experiences are like a fingerprint that defines you. She asked if that meant good experiences too. Once again, I was caught taking a more depressing point of view and focused on the bad experiences of life. But good ones make us who we are to. To illustrate this, here are a few good things that have helped define me:

-My mom read to me almost every night as a child. This instilled my passion for reading and later writing.
-I was the oldest child. Although I can't say I was a good big sister, I learned to take responsibility and how to lead, which is why I am drawn to leadership positions today.
-I always had pets growing up, so I now feel lost without one.
-I joined one-acts and speech team my freshman year of high school and I learned a lot about myself. I became more outspoken and sure of myself.
-I had so many people in my life believe in me: my parents, teachers, grandparents, and friends. Their love and encouragement makes me want to spread love and encouragement to others. I am eternally grateful.

2. As I said, I had many great teachers and was involved in some great activities in high school. A former teacher commented on an older post about finding beauty in every place. I talked about the physical beauty of my hometown, but she suggested there were other benefits that I would later be grateful for. Another pessimistic moment for me and my blog. Yes, I was able to be involved much more than I would have been in a bigger school. I met some wonderful people and like I said before, my experience in Franklin made me who I am.

3. My motto from my most recent post may have a slight exception. My biggest pet peeve is when a wonderful book is adapted into a movie. I understand that a book can never be fully translated into movie form to include every detail and I'm trying to be more accepting of this. I said I'd try anything twice. Maybe someday I'll try to watch Twilight or the Harry Potter movies or The Hunger Games, but it usually just upsets me because the true characters or emotions that the author worked long and hard to put into just the right words are changed into Hollywood explosions and fight scenes.

That is all for now. I will have my regular weekly blog coming later this week. :)

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