Friday, September 3, 2021

To My Amazing Friends

 I often say, "I don't make friends easily." Or "I'm not social." And those things are true. By some amazing luck, though, despite my awkward, introverted ways, I somehow have collected this incredible group of people that I get to call friends. Not a week goes by that I don't feel thankful for my friends. I try to tell them often how much they mean to me, especially since I lost two of my best friends much too soon and my biggest regret is always that I didn't express how much they made me feel safe and loved and seen before it was too late. However, I think sometimes it's good to have your feelings in print. 

So, this is an ode to some friends. were one of my first friends. When others bullied me or made me feel weird, you never did. You made the "unpopular" table feel like the best place to be. You gave me a home in every playground or classroom. Most people in my life aren't physically affectionate, so your bear hugs are one of my favorite things in the world. 

Ashley...thanks for always taking me along for your adventures. You never took no for an answer and still have this wonderful sense of leadership that I admire. I love watching you and your family grow. 

Hillary...girl I would be lost without you! You picked me up when I felt at my lowest and brought me into this bright and beautiful world of yours. When I think of college, I think of you.. You love so easily and never let me undervalue myself. Your energy is contagious and it makes my life better each and every day.

Sarah...I am so glad that we decided to room together. I always loved coming home and telling you about my day. Thank you for always listening to my stories and letting me be my weird self. You have the biggest heart and also aren't afraid to call me on my bullshit sometimes.

Bailey...I can't imagine anyone in the whole world not loving you. You exude this peace and kindness that always makes me feel loved and important. Plus, you have a bomb taste in music and books. I'm inspired by you as a fellow educator (I know your a speech-path, but that's a educator to me) and human being.

Skye...I love your honesty and work ethic. You always push me to be better. I also have so much fun with you, whether it's playing games or drinking wine, or just chatting over Marco Polo. I know I can always count on you to be there if I need you.

Kristi...Whenever I'm working through a problem and I send a video to the group about it, I'm waiting on your response because you are the problem solver I wish I was. Your passion for your job makes me so happy and I absolutely love how you are always willing to see things from another point of view before making a judgment. 

Will...When I was finishing my Master's thesis and was having a complete meltdown, you took time to text me all weekend to tell me how amazing I was doing and how everything was going to be worth it. You validated my feelings and truly got me through. You've pushed me ever since with words of encouragement or even a phone call to talk things through when I'm confused. 

And I can't forget my work friends. Thanks to Heidi and Christine for making me feel like a part of a work environment for the first time. Thanks to Patti and Elizabeth for giving me the confidence to try new things. Thanks to Karen for forcing me out of my desk last year to take breaks and to Melissa for calling me after work so we can debrief from our stressful days. 

I have the best friends. 

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