Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Why I Really Can Never Get Married

I've spent almost 30 years being single. Recently, I've realized this has absolutely ruined me for any incoming parties...not that I have any interested applicants. Sometimes I think it might be nice to have a boyfriend or a husband...and then I remember:

1. I set at least 5 alarms every morning. I snooze some of them while still asleep. I sleep through some completely. No one will live through this morning torture. 

2. My cat needs at least 2 solid hours of my undivided attention every night. And he ranks pretty high in my book.

3. My apartment regularly reflects the inner chaos of my mind. If I'm overwhelmed, stressed, depressed, or anxious, you better believe I just take my shoes off in the middle of the living room. Or let the dishes pile up. Once, last week, after a particularly stressful day, I dropped a piece of plastic on the floor and the act of picking it up seemed Herculean. 

4. My shower is already full. I have a different shower routine every day and have to fully stock with all the scrubs and conditioners. No shelf room available. 

5. On that same note, I am not willing or able to share a closet.

6. I am guaranteed to go off about the most asinine things. Once, my sister's boyfriend mixed up all my alphabetized spices in the kitchen and I was ENRAGED. 

7. I don't do quiet. This is my volume. It does not change. I will use that volume on a call with friends or singing in the shower. And is you shush me...see #6.

It's a very, very good thing I enjoy my own company. 😄

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