Sunday, September 19, 2021

TikTok, Don't Stop

2020 and 2021 have not been years full of positives. But if anything good came out of the year for me, it was TikTok. I know some of you are rolling your eyes right now. You think it's full of teens dancing silly dances or challenges that involve stealing property from schools. Those things are true. But this app is truly what you make it, and I have designed my feed to be a real source of learning and connection. I truly believe it is what social media was designed to be and other haven't gotten it right. Let me show you.

Facebook is generally filled with people you already know and Instagram might be filled with celebrities and influencers. TikTok lets you meet people like you. 

These two ladies below are middle school teachers. The first lady helps me remember why I teach. I listen to her stories about her own classroom or about conversations with other teachers and I just feel better. She never has perfect organization or a Pinterest-worthy classroom, but I see her as a huge role model. And through the comments, I've actually done problem solving with her and other teachers about classroom issues. The 2nd is a reader like me. After school, she posts about the books she is reading or her students are reading and we often have the exact same opinions on books and it brings me joy. 


I also see people who look like me. I don't follow models or actors or singers. These two wear the exact size of clothes as me and try on different styles to show how'd they look. They are fun and entertaining, but also so normal. I've talked to both of them, asking them about clothes and I can finally talk about fashion that I love without fitting in a Size 2. 


On the other hand, I get to follow people with jobs SO different from mine and it is amazing! I follow a guy who raises tortoises in Arizona, a prop master for television shows in Texas, a professional artist from New Zealand, and a guy who cleans pools in New Orleans. I have learned so much from these guys and am fascinated every day. 

Not only do these people across the world fascinate me, they also inspire me. The pool guy above? He lost his job and has recently made this pool business really flourish. Celina (the 1st girl below) has written several books, started a makeup line, and is one of the most popular content-creators on TikTok. Before last year, she talks openly about being suicidal. The 2nd lady gets hate on a regular basis about her religion and culture, but now has over 3 million people laughing along with her every day. Sarah was lost and didn't know what to do with her life until she made a silly rap video on TikTok and now is pursuing a music career. Jax now has songs on the radio after years of struggling to make it in LA. Kristen had to quit a job she liked because she couldn't afford daycare and TikTok gives her a sense of purpose every day. Emily chose to quit a job at an interior design firm that she didn't love and now does her own renovations with her boyfriend and shares all her design ideas with the world.


Speaking of couples, I was pretty disenchanted by relationships as a whole, but some TikTok couples just make me smile. 


And some of them just make me belly laugh. (Do you notice all my favorite comedians are women?--not typical on any other platform). 

Some are real professionals. I follow doctors and nurses and lawyers and dieticians and physical therapists that give real practical advice from their homes or cars without making me feel judged and seeming superior. 


In short, TikTok is really a place of connection to people all over the world. Want to learn about board games? It's on TikTok? Thinking of becoming an oceanographer? Watch one in action. Chat with them here. Want to share your art or talents, or even just your thoughts? You can do that on TikTok. So, thanks TikTok. I really need you this year. 

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