Yesterday, I turned 27. It's very easy for me to dwell on things I haven't done in those years. It's easy to look to the future and think about what I want to do. I think there is great value, though, in taking a moment to appreciate what I have accomplished in my 27 years. When I am asked what my biggest accomplishment is, I really struggle. I don't believe my minor life stories are good enough. I may not have been the best at anything. I may not have done something heroic. But I have done something.
1. I have completed a Bachelor's and Master's degree, complete with an honors thesis and Master's thesis.
2. I have traveled to two different countries on my own.
3. I have helped over 100 students improve their reading comprehension scores enough so they didn't have to take reading support classes in high school.
4. I designed and led production of a high school yearbook and college yearbook.
5. I have shown up for people when they needed a ride or a loan or just an open ear.
6. I have worked very hard to make myself healthier by being conscious of my activity level every day for the past 3-4 years.
7. I have donated over 3 gallons or blood and became a bone marrow donor candidate.
8. I started a blog and stuck with it for over 6 years now.
9. I made it to state speech competition in high school and and once got an Outstanding Actor award.
10. I took the initiative to learn about areas of need for my students and developed many lesson plans on my own to meet those needs.
11. I became the head of the reading department in my 3rd year of teaching.
12. I've conquered my fear of heights.
13. I've worked 8 different jobs including being a custodian, lifeguard, waitress, tour guide, speech judge, teacher, cashier, and most recently a delivery driver.
14. I worked to create spreadsheet and system to automatically track progress and place over 800 students at my school into classes.
15. I hiked over 25 miles of trails last summer and saw some amazing places.
16. I have learned what looks good on my in terms of clothing and makeup.
17. I have given speeches at one wedding and two funerals for people I loved.
18. Along with many failed recipes, I have learned to make a lot of really yummy things too.
19. I have volunteered at several events to make my community a better place.
20. I changed a tire by myself.
21. I came to basketball games to support students when their families couldn't.
22. I have tried zip-lining and indoor skydiving.
23. I have made some absolutely amazing friends.
24. I have walked away from people that didn't treat me the way I deserved to be treated.
25. I have become a much more organized person.
26. I have read over 600 books in my life.
27. I have, and continue to work to, become a better person each and every day.
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