Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Halloween Costumes of My Childhood

Do you remember what you were for Halloween as a child? I was thinking about this today. The only two I really remember were when I was Princess Jasmine and when I was Josephina (The American Girl). I know I had to have been many, many other things, but I just don't remember what they were. In my teenage years, I think I was a witch/vampire a few times, and I know from pictures and stories that I was a pumpkin as a baby.

I keep wondering why only these two costumes in between stand out. I think the Josephina probably does because my mom took a lot of time trying to collect the right clothes and jewelry to make me match my favorite book character. Jasmine kind of baffles me. I've been told Beauty and the Beast was always my favorite movie, so why do I remember Jasmine so vividly? I remember the beaded headband and the way the flowy pants felt when I walked. Something about that costume really sticks.

So do you have a specific costume that sticks out to you? Share your memories in the comments!

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