Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Why Cats are Misunderstood

I feel like most of the time when people find out I have cats, they make a lot of assumptions about them. In general, people view cats as standoffish animals with bad attitudes. It is true they have distinct personalities like any animal, but they are no less friendly and loving than a dog. I love dogs of all kinds, but I truly believe cats can just as easily be "man's best friend."

Lie #1: Cats are not loyal.

When I was a kid, any time I was sick at all and lying in bed, my cat Comanche would snuggle up next to me. She didn't demand anything from me. She was just a constant presence. It is as if she could sense my illness and wanted to be there by me. All day long. That was loyalty. My cat now, Bowser, waits by the door for me to get home. He may not squeal or wag his tail when I arrive home, but he purrs and purrs and rubs against my leg and I can tell he missed me every single time.

Lie #2: Cats don't play with you.

This is crazy to me. Cats are so playful. I play hide and seek and fetch with Bowser all the time. Max is 16 years old and he still likes to toss toys in the air and swat my hand when I run it back and forth under a blanket. Whenever I'm gone for a long time, my cats bring me toys because they were bored and now need some play time.

Lie #3: Cats are dirty.

Cats are the only pet I know that clean themselves...constantly. Sure, they use the bathroom in the house, but that makes less inconvenience of letting them out for you and it's not that hard to clean up. Bowser is so clean that he actually cleans up after me. I'm not kidding. One time I dropped pasta on the floor and as I went to get something to clean it up, he had already pushed it all to the side, covered it with a  nearby paper, and was licking up the sauce stuck to the carpet. He hates messes.

Lie #4: Cats always want to be alone.

Sometimes I wish my cats would leave me alone. Just for one minute. They follow me EVERYWHERE.

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