Sunday, January 17, 2016

Somebody That Loves Me

On Thursday after work, I was flipping through the radio stations and I happened upon the Whitney Houston song, "I Want to Dance with Somebody." I turned the volume up and started belting it out. For a few minutes, I felt perfectly happy. I continued to sing the song to myself long after I arrived home. The part I kept repeating was "somebody that loves me." As I heard myself sing it for the hundredth time, I suddenly wanted to surround myself with just that--people that loved me. So I called home and made last minute plans to take a weekend trip to my parents'. I just got back from Christmas break and had no real reason for making the trip back, but I felt that it was what I needed more than anything at that moment.

I've been in a funk lately where I am sad a lot for no reason at all. I had to leave the room with friends to cry in the bathroom and nothing at all had happened to upset me. My mom asked me why I seemed down and my excuses didn't really make any sense. A coworker asked me just last week if she could do anything to help because I seemed really down and I had to make up an excuse about being tired, even though I slept 9 hours the night before. It's very weird. But on Friday after work, I drove home. I sang for the entire 2 1/2 hour trip and cleared my mind of anything else. I played video games with my sister. I woke up the next day and my dog licked my face. I went to lunch with one of my best friends and we talked for a few hours about anything and everything. I talked about work and food and football and all kinds of random topics with my dad. I laid under blankets on the couch all day Sunday, watching movies with my mom. And when I left I was wrapped in warm hugs. I knew I was loved. Of course, I always know I am, but sometimes we go through hours, days, weeks, or months in life when we need to be reminded more often. So, tell someone close to you that you love them today. Wrap them in a hug. Send a caring message. It can mean so much more than you know.

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