Saturday, December 5, 2015

Roxie and Sarah's Guide to Horror Movies Part 3

Section 7: Jeepers Creepers

This movie needs its own category because it's in the Top 5 movies for both of us. We own the movie (because Sarah bought it for me for Christmas one year) and have both watched it many, many times. It is genuinely creepy and dark and has the music to match. We understand that not a ton of people agree with us (It has a 45% rating on Rotten Tomatoes). I think some of the cheesy parts of it are the best though. It is a movie that makes fun of itself with lines like "You know the part in scary movies when somebody does something really stupid, and everybody hates them for it? This is it." It has the zombie aspect of a fear of being eaten. There is the utter terror in the underground tunnel made of humans. It has even has a scary old lady and a scarecrow. I even like the sibling rivalry and moments of humor intermittent. It's a wonderful mesh of horror movie paradigms and we are in love.

Section 8: Sarah's Section

It is no secret in our house that I, Roxie, am the pickier of the two of us. If I like a horror movie, Sarah is guaranteed to like it as well, but if Sarah likes it, I've only got a 50/50 shot of sharing the sentiment. So, for Sarah's portion of this guide, we would like to include the following movies to our list: The Conjuring, Insidious and Insidious 3 (but NOT #2), The Ring, and Sinister. I didn't hate any of those movies, but I didn't find them scary like Sarah did. She definitely recommends them all.

Section 9: Thrillers

There are many movies that are listed as horror/thriller, but we tend to lean toward the horror part of this combination. There are exceptions though. The two of us went to the movie You're Next at the theater a few years ago and loved it. This wasn't scary to either of us, but the action was awesome. We were cheering on the main character the whole time. It was smart and kept us guessing despite the lack of scares. I like that a lot.

This is all we have for now. Thank you to Linda for the new recommendations. We will be checking them out very soon. If anyone else wants to suggest something new for us, we would love to hear it.

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