Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Things You Learn When Living Alone Pt. 2

Next week, I will be moving into a new apartment and, soon after that, I will have a roommate again. There have been many pros and cons to this living situation, but I thought, in this last stretch of living alone, I wanted to share a second part to things I have learned in this apartment:

1.     I’m messier than I originally imagined. I believe in my first blog about this, I talked about how much pride I had in the place and so I kept it clean. Once I started student teaching, this went out the window. More stress always equals more mess in my life. While before I contained my tornado to my bedroom for the most part, I now had reign over 700 sq feet to pile clothes and papers and glasses of water.

2.     I started talking to myself a lot. While I enjoyed many days without having to make conversation with anyone else, it seems to be a human need even for introverts every once in a while. I talked to my plants while I watered them and talked back to the TV all the time. I swear I’m not insane lol.

3.     When you forget to go grocery shopping, there is no one else you can borrow from. You either go out and buy something or starve (well, probably not starve, but you get my point). Sarah (my former and future roommate) always bought food in surplus so I’d just open the freezer and help myself to something and pay her back later. I, on the other hand, tend to only buy what I’m going to make that week with no extras and it has proved to be a problem on several occasions.

4.     I'm still a big fan of wearing whatever clothes I want without judgment.

5.     No one is ever sleeping in your apartment when you aren’t. Two nights ago when I couldn’t sleep, I started playing Guitar Hero at 3:00 am. And no one cared. (Except maybe my neighbors, but the walls are fairly thick here).

6.     Things are still expensive. Like so expensive. I learned a big lesson in budgeting this past year. I cut out Internet this month to save a little and I never knew how much I’d miss it. I basically live in the clubhouse because they have free Wi-fi.

7.     I love scary movies, but watching trailers for upcoming horror flicks alone at night is not the best idea I’ve ever had. Also, any strange noises cannot be explained away by your roommate.

8.    I have read more books than normal, which is saying something. I never get distracted by anyone or anything so I can sit down and read a whole book in a day if I want to. But, I don't get to tell people about the books I'm reading. Sarah knows I love talking about the books I'm reading, whether she cares or not.

9. It’s a really good thing I’m not scared of bugs or spiders. Killing those things is all up to me. And I’ve done it too many times. I think it’s because my apartment is on the ground floor.

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