Monday, March 9, 2015

I Need A New Hobby

A few weeks ago, after talking about how stressed I have been in my student teaching experience, one of my professors asked, what do you do in your free time? My immediate responses were reading, watching movies, and writing. She paused for a few moments and then asked, "Can you see that your hobbies are deeply connected to your practice?" 

I was taken aback and tried to argue. "No, I don't read stuff for school. Mostly fiction. And the writing isn't for work either. It's my own writing."

She didn't really push the issue, but mentioned later in the conversation that I needed to find ways to escape work and stop working my mind so hard. This is a really difficult concept for me. My mind is almost always on full speed. Thinking, thinking, and more thinking. And I love thinking, especially about new stories that I read, watch, or write. But am I overworking my mind? When I think back to my response, reading and writing don't sound like such wonderful hobbies. A co-worker asked me what I did this weekend once and I realized I had just watched movies, planned lessons, read a book, and planned more lessons. After they had all been talking about training for marathons, painting, and ice skating, I didn't even want to say that out loud. 

So what should be my hobby? I'm not opposed to finding a new hobby. I'm just not sure how to go about doing it. Working out is the first thing that comes to mind, but trust me when I say that I think more on a bike or treadmill than almost anywhere else because I don't have anything else to occupy my mind. Something like volleyball is different because it forces you to think only about the game at hand. This is something I want to continue to consider. If anyone has any fabulous ideas, let me know! 

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