Here's the problem. In general, that action of swiping a finger back and forth to mark hot or not based on one photograph is making matchmaking into an actual game. It's addicting to young people and gives even more importance to appearance than society already has. But despite it's many flaws, I actually know several people who have gone on dates or had some sort of relationship because of two swipe rights.
As I said before, I can only see profile pictures of men, so women problem have their own problems. But after flipping through several pictures, there are three very common, absolutely horrible trends in guys' profile pictures.
1. Surrounded by girls: I swear half of the photos I have seen involve one guy with his arms around at least one girl (usually half-dressed). If you are single and looking to meet a new girl, why do you think this will be appealing to them? You don't look cool. You really don't. It is as if guys can't be alone in a profile picture without really extremely insecure and that makes me very sad.
2. The shirtless mirror selfie: I'm sure you look really awesome without a shirt on and maybe this helps you snag girls. My problem is that the setting (always a bathroom) is not super appealing and guys are always looking at their phone instead of actually into the mirror. It makes guys look tuned out and self-absorbed.

3. The use of any of the props in the picture on the left side. This goes back to being alone in a profile picture. Alone+fully clothed absolutely never happens. You may think you look sensitive or caring if you have a cat, dog, or baby in your pictures, but you turn out looking creepy most of the time. You may think you look fun or goofy with a random costume or prop, but it looks ridiculous. Also, the use of any drug paraphernalia is a turn-off. (They even have commercials supporting my opinion on this now.) So, in conclusion, I don't care if you use Tinder regularly or absolutely hate the thought

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