Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy Moments of 2014

As we move into a new year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the year gone by. When I came home for Christmas break this year, I asked my dad if he wanted me to make a Christmas/New Year card to send to friends and family. His response was, "Nothing good happened this year to celebrate. Let's just forget it." I understand this sentiment. I really do. After losing a sister and a father, it's hard to imagine cheerful moments. But I don't want to remember 2014 as "that awful year where nothing good happened." So here are my happy moments of 2014.

*Brigitte came and visited me in Lincoln and we went to The Lego Movie. We laughed more than any of the kids in the theatre.

*The Olympics. Oh how I loved the Olympics. And now I must wait so long...

Isn't he lovely?
*My cousin Alyssa's  birthday party. She performed Let It Go for us and did this to Josh.

*Some of my best friends graduated this year. So proud of all of them.

*I danced more than I've ever danced before at Ashley's wedding.

*I followed my dream and made a trip by myself across the ocean to study in Stirling, Scotland.

*I went kayaking and paddle boarding in the ocean! And ziplining. It was so invigorating.

They were hunting toads.

*My mom got a new puppy that slobbers all over my face every time I walk in the door. And he brightens our whole house.

*I read some great books. And that's always happy for me.

*I gained another new cousin this year, Austin Jack Siel. And look how he made Grandpa smile :)

*I screamed my lungs out at Husker football games...and had satisfying meals at Tico's after the games.

My cooperating teacher is sneaky and took this the 1st day we taught.
You can tell how engaged the students are haha.  

*I created my own lessons and taught my first class of students. And found out middle school kids aren't that bad.

*I had wonderful conversations around a fire in the backyard of my grandparent's home with family. I remembered how wonderful my family really is and appreciated them more when we were together in some sad times.

*I watched many scary movies and went to a haunted house/field with my horror-loving friends.

*I was part of a Broomball team...and didn't kill myself doing it.

*Some wonderful evening with appetizers and drinks at the Starlite Lounge with amazing friends.

*These Christmas outfits we made our dogs wear.

Look how he's grown!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you find joy in 2015!

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