Wednesday, July 9, 2014

You Can't Capture Scotland in a Picture

This is going to be my third and final installment of pictures and videos from my Scotland trip. I head back home on Saturday. Although I've tried to capture as much as I could for memory's sake, I know that my experience is too big for any picture. There is a feeling about Scotland that I can't describe in words or images. I will remember this month for the rest of my life. It has been beautiful. 

The restaurant/bar we went to. 

You can kind of see the parade coming down the hill. This was called Pipefest. 

Battle of Bannockburn reenactment.

They had really cool camps set up around the battlefield.

They are making chair legs with string.

This was at the battle memorial. Thought it was sweet. 

We went on a Tree Top Adventure!

Taking pictures of each other I guess haha

I was at the back of the pack so most of my pictures are from behind, sorry.

She was scared to death at this point. Jacky took the easy way out and went across on the net to the left.

She hit her head on the first zip line. 

Enjoying local delicacies after a long day in the trees. (Fish and Chips and Fried Mars bars). You can tell by my face, I wasn't really a fan. 

My first trip on a double decker bus. I sat right up front.

In front of The Elephant House where J.K. Rowling wrote.

An ancient lighthouse top. 

It's Dolly the Sheep.

Telephone booth selfie!

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh from above.

In front of the castle.

It's really blurry but this is the guard that marched after the Queen and Prince William. We tried but couldn't actually see the royalty. 

We were like children in the optical illusion buidling. The video a little further down shows a display in the hologram gallery.

We ate at Frankenstein's Pub. 

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