Friday, July 4, 2014

What's in a Place?

So I'm taking a writing class right now in Scotland (see, it's not all vacation) and we were doing a writing exercise in which you look at a picture of someone and try to write in their "voice." I did two of these and when the professor read over them both, he asked me why one was better than the other. I didn't know. He said because this character had a place. The reader could picture exactly where he was and how he interacted with the place around him.

Place takes on a character of it's own. It makes you feel safe or small or content or scared. Scotland has made me feel all of these in my time here. That's the story of my summer; discovering a new place and interacting with it. Here are some more pictures and videos of that story. Enjoy!

Sleeping Ducks

Our golf group.
Arithrey Castle. The campus is built around this estate.

These are oyster catchers. They make a lot of noise.

Pretty impressive nest on the water.

You can rent a bike in Glasgow. They have bunch of stations.

They were getting ready for Commonwealth Games. 

Glasgow City Chamber. It has a miniature Statue of Liberty on top.
Why is there an NFL clock in Glasgow City Chambers??

I don't watch Doctor Who but this means something to those that do I guess.

Cool mural for Scottish badminton player.

The city has hired artists to paint on building I guess.

Inside cathedral at Glasgow.

Our wonderful tour guide Colin in front of the oldest house in Glasgow, built in 1414 I think.

Colin suggested this place for lunch. It was a four-course meal. This is kangaroo haggis before I ate it.

Wild Boar Dumplings.

Beef Skewers

Seafood mix from the grill.

Cheesecake for dessert...but I couldn't eat it. Too rich.

Museum of Modern Art.

Evidently people kept putting this cone on the statue as a joke and now it's because a local landmark.

Art display in the museum. Churches made out of cardboard. (Approximately 20x25 foot space)

The artist just picked places of worship out of a local phone book.

They had a bunch of cool mirrors in the museum. 

This is a chain of stores in Scotland. Mostly Lucky Charms and M&Ms in the window.

Looking down Buchanen Street in Glasgow.

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