Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Blog for My Brother

So, I was racking my brain for a topic for my blog today, and realized it was pretty obvious. This past week has been all about my brother Josh. On Saturday he graduated high school as valedictorian and on Monday he golfed at district golf and made it to state. I couldn't be more proud of him. He's grown up so much in the past few years and I look forward to watching him grow and achieve even more in the years to come.

Josh and I have had our disagreements in the past 18 years. I've always been the bossy older sister who embarrasses him and he's been the annoying, spoiled little brother. Most of the sibling bonding we have is silently watching basketball games together or laughing at something one of our pets does, but with Josh, someone who doesn't say more than a few words to anyone, that's enough. Honestly, I often envy Josh's mellow attitude toward life. He rarely stresses like me and has many friends since he is so laid back.

Even though I guarantee Josh won't read this (he claims he hates reading), I just want to share some of the reasons I'm proud of my brother. And it isn't all because he was valedictorian or made it to state golf. What I love is:

-How competitive he is. He is always trying to be the best and never gives up.
-How good of a writer he is. He claims he is terrible, but he wrote his graduation speech in a few hours and it was fantastic.
-How great he is at video games. Even if my dad thinks they are worthless, I'm always amazed by this ability.
-How he actually does like to read. He used to read the Lord of the Rings and the Inheritance series in only a few days.
-How he's a picky eater. It always made my dislikes much more manageable.
-How he was never a tattletale. Josh and I always had a mutual understanding that what happened when our parents weren't home was between us and only us.
-How imaginative he is. We used to play so many games in which he made up characters and battle situations that would have us playing for hours.
-How intelligent he is. It isn't just an ACT score or GPA. I just know he will do great things with his mind someday.
-How much he loves animals. And even when he picks on them, they love him right back.
-How popular he is. Like I said before, his easy going mannerisms help him to make friends (and keep them) very easily.
-How sentimental he is. He keeps everything. I call him a pack rat, but I know that every thing he packs away means something to him.

So, I am so proud of my brother, not only this week, but all of the time. I could have never asked for a better one. :)

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