Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What a Few Words Can Do

Has someone ever complimented your outfit and it made you happier the rest of the day? Or have you heard someone whisper something about you behind your back and you've never forgotten? No matter how much we say that others' opinions don't matter, they often impact the way we think and feel.
This semester, I have had some instructors that impacted my work with their comments. I have always prided myself on being a good student, so teachers' opinions matter, probably more than they should. I currently am in a theater class and a reporting class. In each of these classes, the professors have continually torn my papers apart.
I don't mean to sound arrogant, but this has never happened before. Writing has always been a strength of mine and I have become used to praise on my papers. I'm not saying I've never been corrected. But it is usually minute things that are easily corrected. Now I am suddenly not explaining myself and papers aren't flowing. Because of this, I have stressed over every word of every sentence of my final papers over the last few weeks.
Yesterday, I had a presentation for my Instructional Technology class. This is a class I have an A in and with all the stress I've put on myself for the other classes, I didn't try very hard in this class at all. At the end of the class, my teacher asked me to stay after class and I assumed she wanted to reprimand me for my late assignment the week before, but instead she smiled and said, "I just wanted to let you know that your presentation was one of the best of the class. You have a great speaking voice."
I was taken aback but I thanked her eagerly, still confused about why she needed to tell me this. She went on and said, "I know you're going to be a great teacher. I know you are trying to figure out your path in college, but I think you're on the right track. I thought you should know that." Suddenly, my worries throughout the semester went away. I told her truthfully how much I enjoyed her class and I saw her face light up in reflection of my own.
So, at the end of the semester, as everyone is filling out course evaluations, I am evaluating things myself. Just because one teacher doesn't like your work doesn't make you a bad student. Have confidence in yourself. Also, your words to others do make a difference. If you like something you see, tell that person because it might make their day. Or their whole semester.

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