Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Writer's Block

 Well, it's officially been 2 entire months of blank stares at this page. It's so funny how sometimes, I have 10 ideas for what to write about and other times, I think every thought that passes through my mind is complete trash. Today is no different. I am not inspired. I don't have some cute/funny story to share or a lesson I learned. I needed to put something down on paper.

Last week, I practiced listening comprehension with my 6th grade English learners. I say simple sentences such as "The children walk along the river in the forest" and students write down exactly what I said. That may seem simple, but if you've ever learned a new language you know that making sense of sounds and translating them to words on paper can actually be super challenging. After the first sentence, one of my students threw down his pencil. I read all over his face the feeling of embarrassment. I picked up the pencil without reaction. I set it next to him and said, "Try again." I repeated the sentence. He refused to pick up the pencil again. I did not make a scene and moved on, but addressed him after class. 

"Do you think giving up helped you learn? Did it help you get better?" I asked.

"No, but I can't do it. I'm not a fast writer. I'm just going to fail."

I wanted to lecture him about trying his best all the time, but honestly, that's ridiculous. I don't try my best at every task I am asked to do. In fact, I actively avoid activities I am not good at such as art or sports. I get frustrated and embarrassed too. 

All I said was this: "I think you will feel a whole lot better getting on that bus today if you write something down on this paper. Can we try one more time? No grade. No sharing. Just writing three words." 

He hesitantly nodded, tears in his eyes. He listened and wrote the words "I can write." 

So, today, I take my own advice. I wrote something down. It may not have been my best day, but I proved I could do it. I can write. I will have better ideas soon. Stay tuned. 

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