Thursday, January 3, 2019

Resolutions for a Happier 2019

Each year, I try to make resolutions for myself. That is what new years are for, right? The problem is mine have become so predictable. I always want to be healthier and have some new calorie counting plan or exercise routine that I won't follow through with. I always want to be more social and tell myself I can alter my personality to meet more people and then am disappointed when I can't. I usually want to be more organized, whether by cleaning more or planning financially or doing lesson plans ahead of time but life isn't organized and I end up riding the chaos.

So...this year, instead of creating the same healthy, social, organized plans I always do, I want to change gears. This year, I just want to work on being content with who I am rather than discouraged about who I am not.

Instead of worrying about the healthiest options...
  • I will take more time to eat and enjoy the food in front of me.
  • I will cook and bake more often because I LOVE doing that. 
  • I will do lots of activities I love like hiking and swimming.
  • I will worry more about how I physically feel than the number on any app.
Instead of beating myself up for not being outgoing enough...
  • I will respond more naturally, telling people how I feel (good or bad) rather than what I think they want to hear.
  • I will laugh without holding back (even if my laugh is too loud). 
  • I will join any activity that sounds enjoyable, but not hate myself for saying "no" when it doesn't.
Instead of being so hard on myself for lacking organization....
  • I will do my best work until the end of the school day and say "That is good enough", instead of staying hours after the final bell to be better.
  • I will take a deep breath every time I lose something or forget something or pay too much for something and say, "This doesn't make me a bad person. What is my next step?" instead of getting down on myself.
  • I will clean and organize small spaces whenever I can to feel better, but also not prioritize fixing messes over sleep.

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