Wednesday, November 16, 2016

What I Have Learned from My Cats

I'm currently living alone with two cats, so I think that officially makes me a cat lady at the age of 24. I can't say it's not entertaining though. And there are some beneficial learning moments.

1. Water is important. If you need a reminder to drink about 70 times a day, my cats are the ones for you. They drink out of the shower and the kitchen sink and any unfortunate cup I leave laying around. With their constant slurping, I can never forget to get my 8 glasses a day.

2. Speak up for what you want. I mean, what they want is always food, but they aren't afraid to speak out even if it is 2:00 in the morning when their tyrant of a master has done the unthinkable and left their food bowl empty for more than a few minutes.

3. Forgiveness is a virtue. I was holding Bowser down on his back to clip his nails today, screaming at him because he wouldn't stop squirming while he yelled back at me since I had obviously gone crazy. It was a sight to behold. But after several minutes of torture on both of our parts, he is now peacefully curled up next to me and purring. I guess it doesn't help to hold a grudge.

4. Alone time is totally acceptable. When I first brought Max to the house, there were many hissing matches between the two, but then they'd find their own spaces and chill out and everything was hunky dory. The choices of places to spend their alone time (on top of the kitchen cabinet, on top of the DVD player on the shelf, squished under a very low bed, or in the bathtub for example) were questionable, but they were much happier after cooling off by themselves.

5. There are many ways to sleep on a bed. After spending  years sleeping on the side of the bed furthest from the wall, I had forgotten a whole other side to my bed. Fortunately, Max broadened my horizons when he decided that my usual sleeping spot was his claimed sleeping spot. So I moved to the side by the window. Then Bowser felt left out and starting sleeping on that side. I've spent the week sleeping smack dab in the middle of the bed with pillows on each side to defend that area. It has been proven that every area of the bed has the same level of comfort. Great experiment overall.

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