Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Last Five Guys to Hit On Me

I've been wanting to write this blog for some time because some experiences just need to be captured on paper. Hopefully all names or locations or withheld and all identities hidden. To disprove the common misconceptions from family and friends, I, of course, understood that all the following guys were hitting on me, and I was very polite to all of them (although that might have not been my best choice honestly.)

Guy #1: I saw this man as soon as I walked into Walmart with a list of random items to get. He stood near the door and stared at me as I got my cart. I wondered if he had a question or if he worked there, but he was only wearing a t-shirt and jeans. I smiled politely and walked into the store, heading to the electronics section in the back. A few minutes later, I felt like I was being watched. Turned around and there he was, trailing me. Still didn't have a shopping cart of anything in his hands. As I meandered around the store, taking forever as I always do, I saw the guy at least 10 more times. Always staring. Never shopping. I was a bit freaked out and wishing I had asked a friend to come with me at this point. He finally came up to me as I was in the allergy medicine aisle. He spoke in broken English and asked me for my phone number. I declined as nicely as possible and decided to check out. He followed me all the way to the check-out line, looking like a sad puppy and as I was bagging my stuff he yelled out "Pleeease." Yep. That happened.

Guy #2: I was working at my job at the baseball field and trying to find something in the storage room. I was climbing up on a counter to look for something (Souvenir cups I believe) and suddenly I could feel somebody right behind me. So close he was like breathing on me. I turned and greeted the guy, who I knew as one of my co-workers.
"Just here to make sure you don't fall," he said.
I thanked him, found my item, and got down. We had a conversation about how cold it was in that room and I said I hoped to do outdoor chores the rest of the day and maybe get a tan.
"Then I will too," he said, "I'd love to sunbathe with you."
I didn't really know how I was supposed to respond to that, especially since I worked with his girlfriend most days in the kitchen. I ignored the guy for the rest of the day, but for weeks after that he would find me in the kitchen regularly (literally right next to his girlfriend) and sing the song Roxanne to me, or ask me what my plans were for the weekend.

Guy #3: Another coworker for the summer. This guy was probably 20 years older than me. We were super friendly with each other and talked every day. He made flirty comments a lot, but never anything inappropriate. So when he added me on Facebook, I gladly accepted. Until suddenly my Facebook messenger was being blown up by crazy, inappropriate messages. I promise, I am not a prude. If you've ever played Cards Against Humanity or any kind of Truth or Dare game with me, you would know I can be wildly inappropriate myself, but my immediate response was to delete and block him. Just not okay.

Guy #4: Walked into a convenience store after work one day to get a pop. The cashier mentioned my work polo and asked about the game I had worked at that night. The guy had gauges in his years and a streak of green in his hair. No judgement--just giving you a picture. As he took my money, we chatted about the fireworks they do on Fridays and how it always scares him. I grabbed my pop and he said something about seeing me around and then proceeded to pull his notebook from underneath the counter that was filled with Nazi signs.

Guy #5: Back at school now. Chilling in the teacher's lounge during my plan period. I'm sitting on the couch writing up lesson plans on my computer. A guy walks in and says hi. I've known him for the whole year I've been there. Usually talking about his kids or his ex-wife or the "good old days" when he played football. I offered him a cookie (I made a batch to share with all the staff that day.) He took one and sat at a nearby table.
"You seem a lot more friendly this year. I see you around all the time. You seemed really shy last year," he said.
I smiled and said I was working on it.
It was silent for several minutes. I went back to work. Then out of nowhere:
"I like your hair. Usually I like long hair, but yours is good for me."
What in the heck do you say to that? "Good for me"? Am I doing my hairstyles based on your preferences now?
I muttered something about how it was easier to take care of at this length.
"Yeah I bet. I kinda like a high-maintenance girl though. So it's my birthday this weekend..."
He proceeded and went on and on for like 10 minutes about what he should do for his birthday and how I should hit him up on Facebook and how we should go out to a bar together and I should pick the one I liked the best...on and on and on.
I did not hit him up on Facebook. In fact, I avoid him most of the time now. Is that rude? Probably. But now you see the guys I'm dealing with. Do you blame me?

So, if anyone reading this has any guy in mind, I really am open to meeting new people. I mean if they aren't 20 years older than me, a stalker, already in a committed relationship, or a neo-Nazi, chances are I'll be super impressed.

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