Monday, September 15, 2014

Things You Learn When Living Alone

"Aren't you going to get lonely?" That's what everyone asks when I tell them I'm living alone this year. It is a valid question. Many people go their whole lives without living alone with their families, roommates, and significant others always around. I have only been officially living here for 3 weeks now, but so far, the answer is no. I love it. But here are a few things I have learned already.

1. I can't wear necklaces or dresses with zippers in the back. No one is there to help you latch or button things up. If you can't independently dress yourself, living alone may be a problem. I had no idea I owned so many difficult outfits and accessories until this month honestly.

2. The fridge is always going to look empty. It sometimes looks pathetic but when I am just cooking for myself, I don't need a stocked fridge.

3. I do miss conversations with roommates or family members. I don't miss having to be quiet when they're sleeping.

4. Coming home to silence is amazing. One of my favorite feelings in the world actually. I love the peace in a quiet apartment.

5. I can walk around in whatever clothes (or lack of them) that I want. I don't even have to close your bathroom door. It's sort of liberating.

6. It's not cheap. No splitting utilities or using your roommates dishes. It's up to me to pay for everything.

7. My bathroom gets ridiculously dirty for one person. Like I said, I've only been here 3 weeks and I was staring at my shower today wondering how in the heck a shower gets dirty. Doesn't it clean itself?

8. There is not very many cheap options for food. Food goes bad quickly and it is always too much for one person. Ramen has become my best friend.

9. No one is there to judge you. I can pile up dishes for weeks or play Guitar Hero for a ridiculous amount of time instead of homework or take an hour nap at 7 pm for the heck of it and I don't have to explain my odd behavior to anyone.

10. I am super proud of my place. For the most part (not including dishes), I have kept this place cleaner and more organized than any other place I have lived. It is my space and I feel pride in how it looks even when I'm the only one who sees it.

11. I've learned problem solving. My TV wasn't working so I had to call around myself to get it fixed. The smoke alarm went off so I learned to disarm it as well as turn on the vent for future cooking.

So that's all for now. There may be a 2nd part to this blog post once I've lived alone longer. So far, so good. :)

(Note: There is a new addition to my blog this week. There should be a bookshelf image at the bottom of the page and it will always show the book(s) I am currently reading.)

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