Sunday, December 22, 2013

Things You May Not Know About Me

I recently saw a trend on Facebook in which people shared things about themselves that their friends/family may not know. I thought I'd do a post like that myself.

1. I hate drinking out of straws. I think they make beverages taste funny.

2. I hum all the time and I usually don't realize I'm doing it. My parents said I used to do it while eating and I catch myself doing it randomly all the time.

3. I have been to 32 of the 50 states. Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona are among my favorites. The ones I haven't been to that I want to most are Washington and Oregon and Hawaii.

4. I'm a list-maker. I constantly write out grocery lists, to-do lists, to-read lists, lists of interesting names, lists of places I want to go, etc. It's therapeutic to me.

5. I don't wear socks or shoes at all when I'm at home. I can't stand them.

6. My favorite TV shows are Survivor and Law and Order: SVU. I've seen every episode. The Voice and Elementary are my two new obsessions though.

7. The first CD I ever remember owning was Britney Spears (Oops I Did It Again).

8. Babies really freak me out. I actually can never imagine myself having children partly for that reason. Partly because I have no maternal instincts haha.

9. I got my tonsils out a little over a week before my junior prom and my mom had to make meatloaf and mashed potatoes for my prom meal because I couldn't eat the one provided.

10. I can't win any board games or video games. Not one. But I'm not all that competitive so it's ok.

11. You can ususally tell my stress level by the cleanliness of my room. The more scattered my room, the more scattered my brain.

12. I love musicals.

13. I have O negative blood so absolutely anyone can take my blood/organs.

14. I like vegetables much better than fruits and won't eat any kind of berry.

15. I remember having lots of class pets in elementary school, including a guinea pig, parakeets, snails, and chicks.

16. I could get Lasik surgery, but the idea makes me cringe. Once in high school, we watched a video of someone getting the surgery and I felt dizzy and spent the rest of the hour in the bathroom.

17. I was born without enamel on some of my baby teeth and had to wear silver caps on them. I pulled them off twice with Jolly Ranchers. When my permanent teeth grew in, I was missing two on the bottom so I only have 26 to this day (plus one implant).

18. I played a male sheriff my sophomore year of one-act play.

19. I have never dyed or highlighted my hair.

20. Last semester, I got the lowest grade of my life in Technical Theater (B- 82.6%)

21. I sometimes shake uncontrollably when I call to order pizza but once gave a speech in front of my entire high school without breaking a sweat.

22. I am both a cat and a dog person.

23. 4 has always been my favorite number since I was born on April 4th.

24. I feel very uncomfortable being in a car when there isn't music playing.

25. This is my 59th blog post. :)

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