Thursday, December 26, 2013

Minnesota Trip

So this post is long overdue, but I got a new phone for Christmas and was transferring the pictures from my old phone over and found these. I thought I'd share them even if it's a little late. :)

After spending an entire night attempting to (and failing at) sleeping on a bus, we arrived at Minneapolis. We were dropped off at a beautiful hotel in the middle of the city (the same one Harvey Perlman stayed at) though so I caught a couple of hours of sleep in a comfy bed staring at this view.
On the first night in town, we went to eat with hundreds of other Husker fans and watched the live broadcast of Sports Nightly. We sat on the balcony and were given pom poms and beads.
The next day I headed to the stadium, ready to cheer on my Huskers. 

The stadium was pretty huge, especially in comparison to the Northwestern game last year and we took a few laps around it. Both to waste time and keep warm. 

We found them giving out free pancakes! 
 About an hour before kickoff, we headed to our seats. This is what the stadium looked like. A pretty sad turnout if I do say so myself. It filled up by the end of the first quarter though. Evidently these fans just don't show up 3 hours prior to the games like I'm accustomed to at Nebraska.

 There was an awesome view of the skyline though.
Soon our band showed up and their band performed the pre-game show. As you can see, we had absolutely no sun on our side so I was freezing. 

I got some "famous Minnesota cheese curds" to warm up my hands though. :) They actually were pretty good...better than the game at least.

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