Saturday, September 21, 2013

Snapshots of College

So I just wanted to get a blog post in this week, but I don't really have any bright ideas. But I was reflecting on all of the really cool things I've done since I started college. And I decided my blog needed some more pictures. So here's a walk through college far.

I came to UNL a few weeks early and partook in NU Start. I met some great people and took a great English class. It was a rebellious time in some ways. I swam in the school fountain and snuck out past curfew for the first time in my life (to play ping-pong haha.) This picture was during an epic game of sardines in Neihardt.

I played lots of sand volleyball. We even did it as an intramural team last year for a while. Nothing like running around in the cool sand laughing with friends.

I spent many lovely moments with this beautiful girl. Even the little things like gossip over pizza in the dining hall or "studying" when we never got anything done. Some scary movies or trips to the mall. This particular picture is from a Halloween dance my freshman year.

I really have taken some very rewarding classes. This was from a photography project my very first semester in Creativity 101. It was so much fun to use my brain in different, creative ways. I've also taken a geology class with a really cool professor that made the subject relevant, been in a wonderful fiction writing class, done acting scenes with really cool people, and even took an entire class on Meryl Streep. I really couldn't have asked for a better university class experience.

I was part of a Mulan puppet show. Not many people can say that. I also went dancing a Pla Mor a lot my freshman year, which was really fun.

I got to go on a spring break my freshman year too. It was the only year I was able to do that and I was also able to reconnect with some wonderful high school friends. We shopped, got lost in Kansas City, and ate wonderful food.

And then there's obviously Husker football. What's UNL without it? I have been to 23 games so far since starting college (24 tomorrow) and I can honestly say I regret none of them, even the terrible losses. There's nothing like the community of the student section. I have shared many of my games with my sister too. One of my favorite games was the one below. It was so cold but we had so much fun.

I even got to go to an away game last year and explore the city of Chicago in the process. It was amazing! And guess what? I'm going to Minneapolis this year. Yay!

I also got a new car while in college. It was very exciting and I still love it so much. It is really my favorite possession, even if I'm not that much of a driver.

 And then, of course, I met these crazy people in Pound and haven't got rid of them since ;) We've had some really great times. 

One included Halloweens. What a wonderful holiday to be the total dorks we are. 

We've also added new friends throughout the years. Never a dull moment. I always have someone to call or text if I want to go out and do anything (this was at Old Chicago).

I have also been involved in many different organizations throughout my time here. I've gone on camping trips with a few different groups, helped fix up an elementary school once, and have been to many UNL recruitment events. This was from one camping trip where I got to participate in some cool obstacle courses and face my fears of heights.

And then I turned 21, and had a lot of good friends come celebrate with me. :)

I have tried to take advantage of all the student events I can, including pancake feeds and free movies, dances and Bingo nights. We even went to a carnival a few time, complete with snow cones that turned my mouth blue. 

But some of my best moments in college weren't exciting ones, but just those spent chilling on the couch, joking with friends or watching ridiculous youtube videos Stephanie forced me to watch (that I secretly liked more than I led on). Thanks to everyone that has made my college experience special and I look forward to making this year the best one yet.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

All The "Bad Things" In Life

What do Twilight, teenagers, Taylor Swift, fat, Justin Beiber, and the government have in common?

We hate them all.

Sound like a bold statement? It is. If I'm completely truthful, I don't hate absolutely anything on that list, but when I'm around a group of people, I instinctly pretend to. That's because society has decided that these things are just "terrible" and I, in turn, must comply to agree.

This list is definitely not exhaustive. There are so many things that are "uncool" to like anymore, I try to keep my mouth shut, especially with people I don't know very well. But this is a blog. So I guess I'm gonna say what I want.

For my Women in Pop Culture class (yes it's a real class), we are currently reading the book Twilight to discuss gender roles in literature (particularly adolescent in this case). Today we came in to class to discuss it and I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of sheer hatred. It was as if this book was the cause of everything wrong in the world. Girls said they "would never let their children read it" or "it could have been written by a fourth grader."

The thing is, I remember, in high school, when this book suddenly changed from "wonderful" to "awful." It wasn't until movies started coming out and everyone wanted to be a critic. I spoke up in class and said that I knew kids who started reading because they loved this book. And isn't it good to have them reading something, even if it isn't regarded as "high literature" or "thought-provoking themes"? The backlash was brutal. I was evidently supporting abusive relationships and enabling a unintelligent future generation.

I'm not saying I'm upset by this argument today, although it may sound like it. Truhtfully, I may not have said it as eloquently in class as I wrote on here, because my ideas never come out like I want them to in class discussions. Mostly I was just intrigued by what I want to call the "hipster" phenomenon. The idea that things that become very mainstream often also become extremely hated. I had the examples of Taylor Swift and Justin Beiber above, singers who many of my friends "hate" despite the fact that they buy, or at least listen to, some of their music.

Some of my other examples weren't in this category, but they are still heavily influenced by pop culture and what everyone else is saying. Our government is continually criticized and so it becomes natural for us to only think of its negative aspects. The teenagers or young people of society have been criticized for being a lazy or rebellious or spoiled for generations. Recently I have seen that my own generation have decided to continue with this tradition of negative attitude for the generations below us. Fat is something instantly terrible and we are buying "low-fat" or "low-carb" products now more than ever, because that's the thing to do. We are all aiming toward the ideal body image, always hating what we have.

I know I just covered a lot of topics but I just wanted to write out this idea of hatred without much basis or support. Maybe we don't really "hate" everything that we think we do. I, at least, don't want to. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Hate is too great a burden to bear."

Friday, September 6, 2013

An Introduction

First of all, as a blog writer, I enjoy browsing through other blogs sometimes. Last week, I found this one that I linked below. It reminded me a lot of my 21st birthday post about goals for the year, only she has four years on me. I really enjoyed the post and thought I'd share.

25 Things I Want Myself to Know at 25

Secondly, for one my classes this semester, I have essentially a group of high school "pen pals" that we are going to help with their writing. To introduce ourselves to these students, we were assigned to write a a poem titled "I am from..." This is what I came up with.

I am from a backyard theatre.
“The Terrible ‘Black Lab’ Wolf”,
“The Search for Thumbelina,
Or sometimes the Mighty Power Rangers
When my younger siblings win.

From sticky Deep Woods bug spray
And muddy feet stomping through the crick.
Mulberry nail polish
And salad made of leaves and very pre-ripe apples.

I am from a mother watching black and white movies
In the middle of the night.
Forgetting she’s an artist until she builds
A bridge for Josh’s science project or
Draws a scene for my play.

From crimped hair every morning,
French toast sticks with honey.
A hug when it’s needed most and
“It will all be better in the morning.”

I am from a gym with the same thirty kids are playing
“Boys Chase Girls” and then walking to Pomp and Circumstance
On graduation day.
A gym where I am cheering on the sidelines and
Making a debut in the play “Orphan Train.”

From my perch in the lifeguard chair,
Twirling my whistle round and round.
And cruising down Main Street
Or getting lost on an unmarked country road.

I am from a father who reclining each evening with
One hand on our dog Ginger and the other on the television remote
Flipping between shows like American Pickers or boxing
While he’s really thinking about work or an upcoming golf tournament.

From rides in the bulldozer on snow days
And bags full of deer jerky after hunting season.
From a constant state of home renovation and
A yearly winter vacation.

Now I am from North 16th Street in Lincoln
Doing homework in a room with friends
And an inflatable palm tree.
Awaiting the next Husker football game.

From the College of Education and
The Class of 2015.
Ramen noodles and strawberry poptars.
Finishing papers at 3 am.

Now I am calling home after class,
Sharing tales of our days.
“I’m so happy for you.”
Or “It’s going to be okay.”
Some things never change.