Friday, March 13, 2020

8 Unexpectedly Good Things About the Coronavirus Situation

Hey everyone! It's been a long time since I posted. I honestly have nothing to blame that on, but my own lack of motivation, but I'm gonna blame it on that whole coronavirus fiasco. Anything you aren't doing can be blamed on this crisis, right? While I am not trying to make light of a serious situation for some, I do like to flip things on their head. So, in these dire times, what can possibly be the "positive side"? Here are a few things!

1. If you're one of those people stuck at home, you can get to things you've been putting off. I deep cleaned my shower tonight, which I've been telling myself to do for weeks. Take that, germs!

2. Pets don't have to be alone so much. Their owners are staying home. Yay for kitty cuddles and puppy play time!

3. You learn more about the people around you by how they deal with stressful situations. I have gained a huge amount of respect for many of my friends who have proved to be reasonable, intelligent, and calm when social media hysteria can easily lead to spread of false news and unreasonable panic. I am reassured that I gravitate toward really amazing people that I can count on any time.

4. You might be able to branch out into new TV viewing selections. Around this time of year, my television is predominantly set to basketball games. While I miss that form of entertainment very much, I am now discovering new channels and shows.

5. Weird buying habits might not be so weird after all. My obsession with Bath & Body Works is finally coming in handy! I, for some reason, have like 8 hand soaps and only two sinks. I always have a coupon or I fall in love with a new scent. Now, they can be used. I also always buy toilet paper in bulk from Amazon, so that's a nice cushion.

6. You might be able to do your work without so many distractions. I'm personally planning on having 10 weeks worth of lesson plans done by Tuesday (even though the kids might not be in school for that many more weeks). I know a lot of people that say talkative coworkers can make it difficult to get things done. Even if your workplace has not moved to working from home, you can always use the fear of contact as an excuse to keep away from those distracting presences and actually work in peace.

7. Some people are able to take trips they would never usually be able to take. I know, I know, they probably shouldn't be traveling. But it's starting to feel very apocalyptic out there. A lot of people my age are dealing with huge student loan payments and working more than one job to get by and rising cost of living. It's so difficult to experience the things we want to experience. With prices way down and time off for many people, as long as they are safe and not in contact with the susceptible population, take some time and see something you've always wanted to see. Do something you never get to do. Bonus: Currently our student loans are not accruing interest.

8. In many ways, it is a learning experience for the nation. We learn what things are important for our survival. We learn better hygienic practices. In education, we are exploring the possibilities within online learning. I am sure the medical world is learning so much.

Times may be scary, but keep your heads up out there. There's a lot of good in the world. It may be hard to see over the fear and upheaval, but it's there. Take it one day at a time. Come together with those you love and trust to help you remember what's important (just maybe not too close.)

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