Monday, May 13, 2019

What Mom Gave Us

My mom often tells the story of how blue my eyes were when I was a baby. She says my Grandpa Jack made comments about me having my mom's eyes. But after many months, those blue eyes faded away, unable to combat the dominant genes. None of the three of us inherited my mother's beautiful eyes. Unfortunately, we didn't get her artistic abilities either. Although you may not be able to see my mother in these prominent ways in her three children, you can definitely see her in other ways. I can't look in the mirror at myself or look at my siblings without seeing her.

I see her in my sister's tenacity and the way they both never let go until they have made things right.

I watch my brother's grin mirror my mom's every time he greets a animal.

I feel her when I'm worrying about a friend or family member.

I see my mom's work ethic in all of us. We always do our very best, no matter who is watching.

I see my mom's heart in my sister. While most of us build up walls of protection, they fearlessly hand over their whole hearts to all those they care about.

She is there in the way Josh immerses himself entirely into a television series or movie.

I hear her in my voice when I sing along to the radio (especially if it happens to be Shania or Tim McGraw or the Dixie Chicks)

My mom is in each of us. Look us in the eyes. They may not be blue, but our mom is definitely there. Thank you for helping us become the people we are, Mom.

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