Thursday, July 28, 2016

Love Trumps Hate

“Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.”-John Wesley

This is a sentiment I try to think about every single day. Have I done good for someone today? Am I doing this for my benefit or the good of everyone? How can I make this better? It has been something very important to me for about five years now. As a freshman in college, I had a really hard time. I lived the cliché of "finding myself." I had gone into college as a Journalism major because I thought I was a good writer and should do something that would give me praise and notoriety. You should do things you are good at, right? But I didn't feel good doing it. 

It wasn't until I switched to education and walked into my first classroom that I realized this was where I could personally do the most good for the most people. That felt really good. I make almost all my decisions in my education, my career, and my life based on the mantra above. But that doesn't mean I don't mistakes. I make them all the time.  

Once, when I was a senior in high school I was driving my brother and sister to school like I always did. I was singing along to the radio and Josh reached over and changed the station. And I slapped him. Right across the face. I can make up any excuse I want to, but the truth is I wanted the song I wanted and didn't want to compromise. That side of myself scares me. I think about that moment all the time. I wonder if Josh has always resented me for acting like that with him. And I try to show him and my sister love and generosity every chance I get because of it. I don't always succeed. I talk over them at the dinner table. I get angry and jealous. I lie. I don't call them enough when I'm wrapped up in my own world. 

I was reminded once again of this drive that I want to push me through my whole life as I watched the acceptance speech from Hillary Clinton tonight. She used part of Wesley's quote in her speech. She has dedicated her life to public service and she could easily be retired now, but still want to serve for "as long as ever you can." I try not to be political on social media. It only seems to instigate hate rather than love. And I don't like to bash any candidate because I truly believe there is value in every single person (even Donald Trump.) 

I have to say today, though, that I got very inspired and emotional watching Hillary accept the nomination. Just a few months ago I told my father that I didn't think I would ever see a woman president in my lifetime. It was something every little girl said they would be someday and it was as believable as saying they would become a princess or a superhero. It was a great idea, but it was never going to happen. And now, in a few short months, it just might. Hillary Clinton has made mistakes. Some were big and may have hurt others just like mine. But despite the names she's called every day and despite her falling short of her goals again and again and again, she has kept moving and working and trying. And no matter if she becomes president or not, I hope I can be like her and still working and rising up and loving others enough to help them my entire life. Because love does trump hate.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Best Things About a Rainy Day

1. When you work at a baseball park, sometimes games get cancelled. Yippee!

2. You have an excuse not to leave your house (or your bed) all day. Most relaxing day I've had in months.

3. Netflix or SVU marathon on TV. Such choices.

4. I get to chill with my cat.

5. It makes everything pretty and green.

6. I slept like a baby last night. Love to sleep to the soundtrack and smell of real rain.

7. I went outside briefly and that cool rain felt amazing on my sunburned legs.

8. Splashing in puddles is awesome.

9. There are no bugs bothering you when it's raining.

10. I actually got some things done around the house. Hard to believe.

11. Sweatpants.

12. I actually sat down and wrote something, even if it was silly.