Sunday, November 10, 2013

If I Had $1 Million...

"If I had 1 million dollars" is such a common writing prompt. I'm sure most of you have written or at least thought about this "what if." You may have heard the songs "If I Had A Million Dollars" or "I Want to Be a Billionaire." What I've noticed is that there are some very common answers for this prompt including buying a house or a car. Since these are big ticket items, this makes a lot of sense. But, at this point in my life, I would not buy either thing. In fact, none of things I would want are material things.

So here goes. If I had a million dollars right now, I would:

1. Pay for college
2. Take family and friends on vacations as much as I could
3. Give to as many people in need as I could (not charities though, I would want to make it personal)
4. Travel by myself (study abroad, explore a new place)
5. Go to concerts, sporting events, or plays.

So many of you are thinking I'm crazy probably. Here are my justifications.
1. I'm not saying I would blow it all. I would be as smart as I could about money use.
2. I don't want to buy a house and settle in any one place.
3. I don't need a fancy car. I'm not even a good driver and would probably wreck it haha. I would travel by train and plane and bus. That way I could focus more on the scenery than the steering wheel.
4. I would give back to my parents but I know they wouldn't want me to. My dad, especially, gets more fulfillment from providing for me than receiving anything from me. They do deserve it for all they've given me though.
5. Most of my list is experiences. Life is so short. I'd rather have my feet in new places than pretty shoes. I'd rather have pictures of vacations with people I love than my new swimming pool.

So there you go, that's what I'd do with the money. Of course I don't need money to have a fulfilling life. But I can't ignore that fact that with money comes access to the world. Thanks for reading!

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