Thursday, December 31, 2020

Things I Gained in 2020

 Most years, and especially this year, we take this time on January 1st to think about the future. We create goals and make plans. We think about what we want to change about ourselves and the world. I, like everyone, have many hopes for the year 2021 and plan to continue working to become a better me. 2020 has been a year in which I have gained weight, stress, and impatience. There have been many, many times in this anxiety-filled year in which I reacted poorly to the situations around me. However, in thinking toward the future, I don't want to discount my present. No matter how many times I have lost my temper or cried, I am not a bad person that needs to change everything about my life. Also, not every single moment of this year has been a disaster. I've gained some wonderful things too. So here are some positive things I gained in 2020:

1. Connections with Friends: This year had the potential to be one of the loneliest years of my life in the midst of a pandemic that made travel difficult. However, early on in the stay-at-home era, I downloaded an app called Marco Polo and connected with my friends from across the country. Before this year, my contact with friends was limited to pictures on social media or text messages whenever we had a moment in our busy schedules. Now, almost every day I talk to my friends. I listen to them talk about their lives, both struggles and celebrations, and am able to vent my own frustrations or happy moments with them without waiting for someone to be available to hang out. 

2. A Really Exciting New Job: In May, I decided to change my career path in a major way and leave my middle school classroom. Working at the district level this year, I have been able to teach students ages 5 to 12 who speak a variety of languages. I have danced along to alphabet songs and had really great discussions with a group of thoughtful 5th graders. I have learned so much from an incredible team of coworkers and have actually enjoyed every moment of virtual teaching. Like every year, I know I am a better teacher than I was last year and so look forward to working with students for a lifetime.

3. A Lot of Knowledge: I read 60 books this year and made my goal! I read science fiction and fantasy, thriller and even nonfiction. I read books by authors from 5 different countries. I learned about the Vietnam War, injustice in the justice system, and the future of agriculture. Some books made me fall in love. Others made me cry. Each book, regardless of genre or topic, made me think differently about the world around me. I also studied Spanish almost every day. I learned more about technology due to the emergence of virtual learning and actually taught my first professional development courses to other teachers. I tried new recipes and new logic puzzles and even played around with a new skincare and makeup routine. 2020 did not halt my progress in terms of learning at all.

4. An Appreciation for the Little Things: When it's safe again, I will never take a hug or a high-five for granted. Man, do I miss them. I miss smiles at the store and big open-mouthed laughter with others. I also appreciate the grocery store stockers and pharmacy workers, when I never gave them a second thought before. I hope I will go into the coming years remembering to appreciate all the little pieces of the world that make it this amazing planet I live in and not take anything for granted again. 

I hope all of you have also gained some wonderful things in 2020, despite all we have lost or been without. Happy New Year!